Using key tools such as our Good Farm Animal Welfare Awards, Supermarket Survey, the Business Benchmark on Farm Animal Welfare and EggTrack, we drive a programme of continuous improvement across the food industry, supported by our resources and communications.
Committing to change

Through our Good Farm Animal Welfare Awards, we recognise market leading food companies for their current policies or commitments that drive change and improve welfare for farm animals in their supply chains. To date over 883 million animals are set to benefit each year from the policies and commitments of the companies Compassion has awarded since we launched the Awards programme with the Good Egg Award in 2007.
Better chicken commitment

Compassion’s ongoing work with the food industry to investigate supply chain solutions and stimulate the market for higher welfare chicken, along with support from leading NGO’s, has led to a revolution in broiler welfare.
To date, nearly 250 companies in Europe have signed up to the European Chicken Commitment, pledging to introduce new welfare standards for broiler chickens by 2026 and in the US 200 leading brands have pledged to meet the US Better Chicken Commitment by 2024.
Cage-free commitments

Since 2016, we have witnessed a wave of cage-free egg commitments from many of the world’s most influential food companies - all pledging to move to a cage-free egg supply by 2025 or sooner.
In order for companies to fulfil their pledges, producers now need to decide how they will meet the demand for cage-free eggs.
Measuring performance
Supermarket survey

Our biennial Supermarket Survey scores and ranks supermarket retailers on their policies, performance and overall approach to farm animal welfare.
It provides companies with a free, tailored, gap analysis tool to enable them to manage and progress welfare in their supply chain more effectively, and informs the much-coveted Best Retailer Awards.

The Business Benchmark on Farm Animal Welfare (BBFAW) is the leading global measure of farm animal welfare management and disclosure in food companies. Its annual benchmark publicly ranks the world’s leading food companies on their farm animal welfare policies, practices, and performance, based on publicly available information.
The accompanying investor and company engagement programmes raise awareness, provide a framework and catalyse change within company and investment communities.

Compassion’s Global EggTrack report shows the progress companies are making towards meeting their commitments to purchase 100% cage-free eggs by 2025 (2026 for some businesses in the US).
Enabling Change

Consumers are willing to pay more for higher welfare sustainable products if they can be confident that they are responsibly sourced, so marketing and communication is key.
Many leading companies are taking consumers on their journey with them by communicating their higher welfare commitments and promoting their welfare-friendly, sustainable food choices through a number of marketing channels including advertising, in-store promotions and social media.

We offer a range of resources, including practical guides, video’s and case studies to help companies improve the welfare of farm animals in their supply chains.
Rethinking Food

We offer a range of information sheets and other resources for companies that are starting to develop their ambitions for humane sustainable food production.
Industry forums and events

Compassion hosts a number of business-to-business forums, events and webinars to bring together forward-thinking companies to address the barriers and find solutions to help drive higher welfare sustainable food practices across the industry.