Hubbard Redbro accepted under the Red Tractor Enhanced Welfare module
Published 23/08/2021

We are pleased to announce that the higher welfare breed Hubbard Redbro has been accepted under Red Tractor’s Enhanced Welfare module.
The intermediate growth rate bird is one of the approved breeds that demonstrate higher welfare outcomes under the European Chicken Commitment. It provides another commercially viable breed for companies moving to a higher welfare model for indoor chicken production.
The Red Tractor Enhanced Welfare module was launched in 2020 and meets all the requirements of the BCC. It is an important enabler for companies who want to source chicken to ECC standards and use Red Tractor as their 3rd party auditor.

Studies have found that the Hubbard Redbro performs well, has good welfare outcomes and has a lower feed conversion ratio which means it is more economically and environmentally viable. Red Tractor is the first UK assurance scheme to include the Hubbard Redbro bird onto the approved breed list.
Red Tractor CEO Jim Moseley said: “Our decision to include the Hubbard Redbro on our Enhanced Welfare module breeder lists, is an important step forward for the poultry industry. Its’ superior environmental and economic credentials, will assist those food businesses who are looking to meet the requirements of the BCC.”
Red Tractor has developed a process for evaluating breeds, cross-referencing the findings of the Broiler Breed Welfare Assessment with commercial results from Red Tractor member trials, which has ensured that the process is robust and meaningful.
Compassion’s Global Director of Food Business, Dr Tracey Jones commented: “We are delighted that the Hubbard Redbro has been accepted under the Red Tractor Enhanced Welfare module. This intermediate growth rate bird has gone through a rigorous approval process, aligned to the BCC, and will undoubtedly help move the market for higher welfare chicken forwards.
“Having another commercially viable breed approved with good welfare outcomes is an important enabler for companies who have signed up to the BCC and wish to use Red Tractor as their 3rd party auditor for higher welfare indoor production.”