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Compassion celebrates its 2024 award winners

News Section Icon Published 21/10/2024

Today (21st October), we hosted our Good Farm Animal Welfare Awards in Paris, celebrating 49 winners from around the globe for their leadership in farmed animal welfare and sustainable, nature-friendly food.

Sow with piglets resting in a bed of straw outside.
Credit: White Oak Pastures

We were delighted to welcome our patron, Deborah Meaden, as host of the ceremony where we recognised winners from over 15 countries whose commitments will positively benefit the lives of over 500 MILLION animals each year.

It’s inspiring to see so many businesses around the world making significant strides in animal welfare and sustainability. These awards shine a light on the growing number of companies dedicated to making positive change, at such a crucial time for farmed animals and the environment. Compassion’s expert Food Business team is uniquely positioned to support companies in transforming the lives of millions of animals and building a food system that is fit for the future.

Deborah Meaden

Ending the Cage Age  

This year saw a record number of awards presented to companies championing the cage-free movement for hens, sows, and rabbits, reinforcing Compassion’s mission to End the Cage Age.

These cage-free pioneers hailed not only from Europe, but also across Asia and Latin America – regions often seen as challenging markets, yet home to many of this year’s Good Egg Award winners, highlighting the growing global momentum for cage-free production.

Compassion’s CEO Philip Lymbery kicked-off the ceremony hosting a Q&A with Francesco Tramontin, VP Global Public Affairs at Ferrero, who shared Ferrero’s cage-free journey, highlighting their support for an EU-wide cage ban, and offering inspiration to others on the same path. 

We were delighted to present Ferrero with a global Good Egg Award at the ceremony, celebrating their ongoing dedication to sourcing cage-free eggs globally.

To support further transition to cage-free systems across the food industry, companies need legislators to enforce a cage ban. Compassion is calling on the UK Government to publish its long overdue consultation on the use of cages for laying hens, and to take decisive action to ban all caged systems in animal farming.

In Europe, the recent consensus in the Strategic Dialogue on the Future of EU Agriculture was promising, and we urge the new EU Commission to progress toward delivering cage ban proposals by 2026 at the latest.

A brighter future for laying hens

Brown hen walking in a grassy field under blue skies.

This year, there were no less than 13 Good Egg Award winners from all over the world recognised for their cage-free egg commitments, including the very first Good Egg Award in India for producer Happy Hens.

In addition, two companies from China received Good Egg Production Awards.

Find out more about each winner below

Egg Award Winners

Ferrero began its journey as a pastry shop in the small town of Alba in Piedmont, Italy, in 1946. Today, it is one of the world’s largest sweet-packaged food companies, with much loved brands including Nutella®, Kinder®, Tic Tac®, and Ferrero Rocher® sold in more than 170 countries.

For over a decade, the company has demonstrated a strong commitment to animal welfare, achieving its goal of being 100% cage-free in Europe in 2014 - a result commended by Compassion's Good Egg Award in Europe in 2015.

As Ferrero continues to expand, so does its ambition. The company is now dedicated to sourcing cage-free eggs globally, and receives a second Good Egg Award for this global ambition. 

Ferrero began its journey as a pastry shop in the small town of Alba in Piedmont, Italy, in 1946. Today, it is one of the world’s largest sweet-packaged food companies, with much loved brands including Nutella®, Kinder®, Tic Tac®, and Ferrero Rocher® sold in more than 170 countries. For over a decade, the company has demonstrated a strong commitment to animal welfare, achieving its goal of being 100% cage-free in Europe in 2014 - a result commended by Compassion's Good Egg Award in Europe in 2015. As Ferrero continues to expand, so does its ambition. The company is now dedicated to sourcing cage-free eggs globally, and receives a second Good Egg Award for this global ambition. 

Franceso Tramontin, VP Global Public Affairs, Ferrero

Lidl Spain has been a pioneer in animal welfare, and more specifically in the cause of cage-free eggs, being the first supermarket in Spain to commit to and achieve cage-free status in the country. Since 2019, 100% of the eggs sold at Lidl Spain, both shell eggs and egg ingredient, have been cage-free.

Continuously improving and taking responsibility for Animal Welfare is a central pillar of our sustainability strategy at Lidl. In 2018, we became the first retailer in Spain to commit to selling only fresh eggs from cage-free hens. Later in 2019, we are extending our commitment to ensure that eggs as an ingredient in our products also come from cage-free hens. We are therefore particularly proud of this award, which recognises our commitment to animal welfare. This kind of recognition helps us to continue to achieve our sustainability goals and objectives and, in particular, to continue to maintain our leadership in our commitment to animal welfare.

Antonio Prada, Gerente de Calidad y Sostenibilidad de Lidl España

Lidl Poland is one of the top retail chains operating in Poland. They committed to removing caged eggs from their supply chain by the end of 2025. As of 2024, they have achieved 58% cage-free shell eggs (including a significant 30% share from free range and organic systems), and 99% cage-free eggs in their own-brand products. Additionally, Lidl Poland has taken a firm stance against the use of combi systems in their shell egg supply chain, further reinforcing their commitment to higher animal welfare standards.

Lidl Poland is a socially responsible company, also guided by concern for animal welfare in the supply chain. We focus on continuous improvement of farming standards and procedures for responsible and sustainable purchase of animal products. The Good Egg Award 2024 is a confirmation of the effectiveness of our efforts and an inspiration to make even greater efforts for animal welfare.

Aleksandra Robaszkiewicz, Corporate Affairs and CSR Director

Dutch producer Kipster has been operating in the United States since October 2022 and has already created a meaningful impact toward humane and sustainable egg production. Establishing themselves as “cage-free by design”, all eggs produced under the Kipster name come from cage-free laying hens. Kipster houses have large indoor gardens with windows for natural light and outdoor access to allow expression of natural behaviours such as dustbathing, foraging, and scratching. Climbing structures are installed in every house so that hens have the option to perch. Kipster is also dedicated to sustainability: measuring and reducing on-farm greenhouse gas emissions by evaluating chicken feed and litter and installing solar panels to limit their impact on the climate. Kipster is the first US egg producer to pledge to adopting in-ovo sexing to eliminate the culling of male chicks. Kipster US is Certified Humane, a leading third-party animal welfare certification for humane egg production in the United States.

This is a profound honour for Kipster as it affirms our unwavering commitment to the care and attention we put into ensuring the welfare of our birds. This award fuels our passion to produce a truly better egg while always innovating to foster a compassionate and sustainable food system.

Ruud Zanders, co-founder of Kipster

Hill's Pet Nutrition is a petfood manufacturer and the recognised global leader in nutritional health care for cats and dogs. In 2024, they will meet their commitment to be 100% cage-free in Europe for all the eggs and egg products they buy, achieving this goal one year ahead of their original 2025 deadline. Hill's Pet Nutrition is the first petfood manufacturer in Europe to reach this target.

Receiving the CIWF Good Egg Award is a testament to our unwavering commitment: every animal deserves compassion. We collaborate closely with our suppliers and industry experts, such as CIWF, to ensure our egg sourcing reflects our values. Together, we're shaping a more humane and sustainable future for farm animals and our industry.

Gerald Mastio, Executive Vice President & EMEA General Manager, Hill's Pet Nutrition.

Happy Hens is an emerging leader in the Indian poultry industry and is the first company from India to be presented with a Good Egg Award. Winning the Award is a significant recognition of their mission to encourage more farmers to adopt cage-free systems, thereby increasing awareness and demand for cage-free eggs across India. Their impact extends beyond their own operations, having played a pivotal role in establishing Asia’s first consortium for alternative poultry, the ‘Cage-Free & Free-Range Poultry Producers Association.’ Additionally, they are developing India’s first cage-free training facility, which from 2025 will train over 1,000 farmers annually, further advancing higher welfare farming practices across the country.

Receiving the Good Egg Award is truly an honour. It's a reflection of the collective effort and passion of our entire team. The award symbolises the commitment to kindness and animal friendly farming standards that we strive for every day. This recognition inspires me and a million farmers in India to continue fostering humane farming standards and creating a positive environment for hens, farmers & consumers.

Manjunath Marappan, Founder Director/CEO of Happy Hens

Founded in 2018, Brazilian producer Planalto Ovos Ltda has set a benchmark in Brazil’s egg production industry with its unwavering commitment to animal welfare. The company proudly maintains 100% cage-free production and enforces strict biosecurity measures. Recognised for its pioneering role, Planalto Ovos goes beyond certification requirements, reflecting the founders’ ideals despite the market challenges. The company’s investment in its feed mill and egg grading facility supports its growth ambitions, aiming for a flock of 600,000 birds. Planalto Ovos is the first Brazilian producer to win a Good Egg Award for its dedication to implement higher welfare standards and invest in systems that are fit for purpose and future-proofed, including the avoidance of combi systems.

Planalto Ovos is deeply honoured to receive the 2024 Good Egg Award. This recognition is a testament to our team's commitment and dedication to offering quality products, respecting the highest standards of animal welfare. For us, the Good Egg Award symbolises not only an achievement, but also an incentive to continue moving forward and promoting continuous improvements in our processes.

Daniel Mohallem, Director of Planalto Ovos Ltda

Klong Phai Farm is dedicated to ethical and sustainable farming practices, thriving as a provider of high-quality free-range eggs and a range of farm-to-table products. They prioritise the care and respect of their hens while financing the entire farm and contributing to the social development of rural communities. Klong Phai Farm plans to increase their flock by 50% over the next two years, continuing to set high standards in both quality and sustainability.

Klong Phai Farm was also awarded the only Good Turkey Award for their exceptional commitment to higher welfare practices in turkey farming. Their use of slower-growing breeds allows the turkeys to grow at a natural pace, which reduces stress and promotes overall well-being. The turkeys also benefit from access to outdoor areas where they can exhibit natural behaviours, and they are raised without hormones and antibiotics. Klong Phai Farm’s ethical practices have established them as a trusted supplier to over 300 hotels and restaurants across Thailand, positively impacting the welfare of thousands of turkeys annually.

Klong Phai Farm is honoured to receive both the Good Egg Award and the Good Turkey Award from Compassion in World Farming. These prestigious accolades recognize our commitment to high animal welfare standards and sustainable farming practices, reaffirming our dedication to providing ethically produced, top-quality poultry products.

Laurent Opportune, Owner of PROSUN FARM Co., Ltd and Klong Phai Farm brand

Natura Farm were awarded a Good Egg Award in conjunction with Animal Welfare Corporate Partners (AWCP) having established the first aviary system in Asia in 2006. They began selling their ‘Ecocco Cage-Free Eggs’ in 2007 and introduced the ‘Natura Farm Cage-Free Eggs’ brand in 2021 to raise awareness and promote cage-free farming in Japan. Committed to higher welfare practices, they avoid beak trimming and provide a winter garden to their hens, allowing them to roam freely, soak up sunlight, take dust baths, and engage in natural behaviours within a comfortable environment. Currently housing approximately 30,000 hens in a cage-free setting, Natura Farm plans to expand their cage-free flock to 60,000 hens by 2029, continuing to lead the way in sustainable and ethical poultry farming.

As a Japanese egg producer, I am honoured to receive the Good Egg Award. We are committed to continuing our efforts to provide more Japanese consumers with cage-free eggs.

Noritaka ICHIYANAGI, President & CEO

Sizenhoubokujyou Otafuku Tamago is renowned for its commitment to ethical and sustainable poultry farming, setting new standards in Japan’s egg industry. Since its inception, the farm has been dedicated to producing high-quality, free-range eggs while prioritising the welfare of its hens. With a focus on natural farming practices, they provide a spacious, enriched environment where hens can roam freely, enjoy outdoor access, and engage in natural behaviours. The company continues to set a high standard in sustainable poultry farming, showcasing how ethical practices can be integrated effectively. Their efforts to educate and inspire other producers broaden the impact of humane and environmentally friendly practices throughout the industry.

We are very pleased to have received the Good Egg Award. We prioritize the health and happiness of our chickens by raising them in a free-range environment, allowing them to graze 365 days a year in an agroforestry setting. Our chickens live freely, wandering through the forest, cooling off in the shade of trees, and feeding on plants and insects of each season. We provide them with homemade organic feed and beautiful spring water. Our goal is to promote chicken farming that harmonizes chickens with nature.

Tomohiro Fukushige, representative of Otafuku Tamago

Than-Khun Organic Farm produces 100% free-range organic eggs, indicative of its unwavering commitment to animal welfare and sustainable farming practices. Originally an organic rice farm, Than Khun has evolved into a ‘Regenerative Organic Farm’, utilizing by-products from rice milling to raise chickens and recycling chicken by-products back into rice cultivation. This holistic approach enhances soil health and promotes ethical animal welfare practices. By primarily using organic feed and sharing their sustainable livestock methods with a network of local farmers, Than Khun Organic Farm is pioneering a new standard in ethical egg production in Thailand.

Our dedication to sustainable farming and quality has been honoured with the Good Eggs Award. This achievement highlights our commitment to producing sustainable organic eggs for our customers. Thank you for your support!

Amnart Reansoi, Founder & Farmer Tan-khun Organic Farm Co Ltd

Hainan Xinnong Biotechnology Co., Ltd., is a prominent egg producer in China. The company is home to an impressive flock of 500,000 laying hens. With a firm commitment to sustainable and ethical farming practices, Xinnong has currently embarked on an ambitious plan. It has pledged to transition to coconut grove free-range hens within five years. This initiative reflects the company's dedication to providing high-quality, more natural products while also promoting animal welfare and environmental sustainability. By making this transition, Xinnong aims to set a new standard in the poultry industry and contribute to a healthier and more sustainable future.

Joyful Farm in Carbon-neutral Woods is a unique homestay. It not only provides tourists with comfortable accommodation but also actively develops its own higher-welfare, free-range egg brand. Its free-range eggs come from hens that roam freely in a good environment. Their eggs not only have excellent quality but also reflect the homestay's concern for sustainable development and animal welfare. Whether enjoying the peaceful rural life or tasting healthy free-range eggs, Laoyouji Homestay can bring unforgettable experiences to tourists.

Shandong Green Pine Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd. offers high-quality eggs from well-cared-for hens raised in a welfare-friendly environment. The hens are fed natural, additive-free feed, and the eggs are carefully produced with strict standards. The farm also uses eco-friendly packaging and efficient distribution methods. In short, the company provides safe, delicious eggs with a focus on quality, animal welfare, and excellent service.

Longyan Felicity Animal Husbandry Development Co., Ltd., founded in 2010, is located in Sujiapo Village, Gutian Town, Shanghang County. With a 23-million-yuan investment, the farm covers over 500 mu of forest land and has a 10,000-square-meter facility, raising over 200,000 chickens and broilers. As a leading local business, it focuses on higher welfare breeding and rearing, with an emphasis on eco-friendly practices. Its products are sold across multiple platforms, and the farm works with low-income families to help boost their earnings.

Good news for pigs

Two pigs laying down on a bed of straw indoors with piglets suckling between them.
Credit: Zonvarken

There were five Good Pig Award winners, all from Italy, who are leading the shift to cage-free systems for sows during gestation (including the observation period) and farrowing and raising welfare standards by banning routine mutilations like tail docking and teeth clipping and providing enrichment for fattening pigs throughout their lives.

In addition, two Good Sow Commendations were awarded to US producers White Oak Pastures and Niman Ranch.

Sow Stall Free Award

In regions like Asia, the move towards cage-free systems for sows is still in its infancy, with limited regulation, market demand or awareness. It is especially commendable when producers and food companies in countries like China or Thailand voluntarily ban cages.

To recognise these efforts, the Sow Stall Free Award was introduced for leaders operating in challenging markets committed to phasing out sow stalls within five years.

This year the very first Sow Stall Free Award was presented to KPS Farm, a pioneering Thai producer implementing a 100% sow stall-free system, where all sows are group-housed during the dry period—an important step in improving pig welfare in Thailand.

Pig Award Winners

Bompieri is one of Italy's leading pig producers, renowned for supplying the prestigious PDO Parma Ham and San Daniele Ham. Since partnering with Compassion in 2016, following an introduction from The Compleat Food Group, they have seamlessly blended their family heritage with modern animal welfare practices, transitioning to cage-free environments for sows and enhancing welfare for meat pigs as well. Their commitment to improving living conditions for pigs and adopting more humane practices reflects a forward-thinking approach and respect for animal welfare, setting an example for the entire industry.

The transition to cage-free production is a deeply personal commitment for me and my team. I am convinced that animal welfare and sustainable farming practices are compatible with positive financial models. As a farmer and entrepreneur, I am working hard to create the best possible environment for our animals and our workers, and the commitment to cage-free production reflects this dedication. Although it is a significant investment, both financially and emotionally, I am immensely proud of the improvements we are making to set new standards for the Italian pig farming industry. I hope our decision to transition to cage-free production can inspire other producers to join this evolution in the pig farming sector as well.

Marco Bompieri, owner

Madeo Tenuta Corone is a distinguished brand under the Filiera Madeo Group known for its integrated supply chain of local products from Southern Italy. Madeo began collaborating with Compassion in 2016, facilitated by The Compleat Food Group, leading to their Good Sow Commendation in 2016 and Good Pig Award in 2017 for their black pig brand. Building on their success with black pigs, Madeo has recently expanded into the white pig production, applying higher standards throughout the entire process, demonstrating their commitment to better welfare and setting a positive example for the industry.

We are truly honoured to receive another Good Pig Award for Animal Welfare from Compassion in World Farming. Since we began our collaboration with CIWF in 2016, alongside The Compleat Food Group, we have achieved prestigious recognitions, including the Good Sow Commendation and the Good Pig Award for our work with black pigs. Recently, we have embraced a new challenge in conventional white pig production while maintaining our commitment to cage-free farming. We are dedicated to significantly enhancing animal welfare in this new area of production by adopting standards that exceed industry norms. Our brand, Madeo Tenuta Corone, embodies our commitment to quality, respect for the land, and animal welfare. This award motivates us to keep innovating and to serve as a positive example for the entire industry, fostering a more sustainable future for animals and for our cherished Calabrian region.

Anna Madeo, CEO of Filiera Madeo

Piggly, a pioneering pig producer based in Northern Italy, was founded by Sergio Visini with a vision to supply the industry of San Daniele Ham for the US market, with a product that meets the highest standards of quality and sustainability. Visini developed a multi-dimensional approach that focuses on improving animal welfare, environmental sustainability, and antibiotic-free production. In addition to their animal welfare achievements, Piggly has reduced its environmental impact by 80% through the use of biogas, solar panels, and other efficient practices. Piggly has evolved from a simple production farm into a transformative "method" that Sergio Visini aims to share with other producers, showcasing that meaningful change in the conventional pig farming industry is possible.

Receiving the Good Pig Award is a great honour for me and represents a valuable confirmation of our commitment to creating a farming model that respects both animal welfare and environmental sustainability. From the beginning, our goal has been to demonstrate that it is possible to produce pigs for high-end products while respecting the environment and improving the quality of life for the animals. In this perspective, the decision to eliminate the use of cages was a natural step towards more ethical farming. Improving pig welfare, along with the adoption of functional and sustainable technologies and practices, has allowed us to drastically reduce the use of antibiotics and cut our environmental impact by up to 80%, thanks to the use of biogas and solar panels. We are particularly excited about our collaboration with Compassion in World Farming, and this recognition encourages us to continue innovating and sharing our methods with other producers, so that together we can build a better future for animals, the environment, and the food industry.

Sergio Visini, CEO & Founder of Piggly

Citterio, an Italian family-run cured meats producer with 140 years of heritage, has long recognized the importance of animal welfare as both an ethical imperative and a business priority. Advancing this philosophy, Citterio recently launched their premium brand, Riserva 1878, mainly for the export market. This new brand represents a significant step forward in animal welfare practices, as Riserva 1878 is transitioning to cage-free production methods. This initiative not only demonstrates Citterio's dedication to higher welfare standards but also sets a positive example for the company's production partners and the wider industry.

Citterio for Our Planet is our long-term project that brings together all the sustainability initiatives our company implements to reduce our impact on the planet, support vulnerable communities, promote good habits, and respect animal welfare. Specifically, in terms of animal welfare, we have been committed for over 20 years, starting with conscious purchasing decisions and progressively investing in farms that adhere to higher animal welfare standards, as defined by our internal guidelines. We are therefore honored to receive this recognition from Compassion in World Farming for the efforts made with our Riserva 1878 brand, for which, by 2027, all sows will be free from cages. This award also motivates us for the steps ahead, reaffirming our long-term commitment and investment in this increasingly crucial issue for our consumers.

Alessandro Riva, Marketing Director at Citterio

San Giuseppe, a Northern Italian agricultural company managed by Alberto Cavagnini, is advancing animal welfare through innovative technology. Supplying pigs for the Parma Ham industry destined for export, they collaborate with Compassion in World Farming, experts, and universities on various aspects of production. Currently transitioning to cage-free systems, San Giuseppe is enhancing the living conditions for their breeding sows as well as their meat pigs. These advancements have also fostered an environment that attracts skilled and motivated personnel, reflecting their commitment to creating a more humane and efficient farming system. San Giuseppe’s efforts set a positive example for the industry.

We are deeply honoured to receive the Good Pig Award. This recognition will further motivate us to continue on the path of animal welfare and environmental sustainability. We are grateful to Compassion in World Farming for this initiative, which supports the sector in persisting on a virtuous path, as opposed to relocating operations to developing countries that prioritize different goals. This award places an additional responsibility on us to pursue a path of growth; it is also a source of motivation for collaboration with both the academic world and the organisation itself, in order to improve our working methods and find further farming systems that can best integrate with the welfare of our animals. We are firmly convinced that innovation and respect for animals can coexist and represent the future of pig farming, revitalizing our business and our roles. Receiving this award gratifies us and rewards the efforts we have made so far, while encouraging both us and our collaborators to continue on the path we have undertaken.

Alberto Cavagnini, Managing Partner at San Giuseppe

Niman Ranch is a leader in the United States for the humane treatment of pigs. It comprises a network of over 700 family farmers raising pigs with strict animal welfare protocols in deeply bedded pens or on pasture. It is recognised for never using gestation crates or farrowing crates across any of its farms, ensuring that sows and pigs can live a higher quality of life. Niman Ranch also verifies all on-farm practices through the third-party certification, Certified Humane, a leading welfare certification in the United States.

This award is a testament to the extra care Niman Ranch’s network of family farmers put into raising their pigs with care,” said Paul Willis, founding hog farmer of Niman Ranch, a U.S. specialty meat company that partners with 500 Certified Humane hog farms raising 100% crate free pigs sustainably and with no antibiotics. The company requires deep bedding and ample space for sows to root, roam, nest and play. “It’s not the easiest way to raise pigs, but it’s the right way to raise pigs.

Paul Willis, founding hog farmer of Niman Ranch

White Oak Pastures is a six-generation, 156-year-old farm in Bluffton, Georgia, United States. Its farming style epitomises what they call Radically Traditional Farming and is one of the most recognised regenerative farms in the United States. What started as a conventional cattle operation has now transitioned to having 14 species working to restore the local ecosystem.

The company has a high welfare model for their pig operations with sows living together in small groups and given new pasture every few days. They can roam, enjoy trees or shade structures, and farrow in groups outdoors. White Oak Pastures is striving to increase the number of sows and boars they raise each year and is a wonderful example of a high welfare, regenerative pig model in the US.

Hogs were traditionally raised in the woods, as they are a forest creature. They were never meant to be raised on concrete, in cages or crates, or under fluorescent lights. Our hogs breed, gestate, farrow, and live under the farm's shade trees. Simply put – where a pig can be a pig. We value the recognition of our efforts through Compassion’s Good Sow Award.

John Benoit, Director of Livestock at White Oak Pastures

The very first Sow Stall Free Award was presented to KPS Farm, a pioneering producer from Thailand. This producer is implementing a 100% sow stall-free system across their entire farm operation, ensuring that all sows are group-housed throughout the dry period. This achievement marks a significant step forward in promoting better living conditions for pigs in Thailand's farming industry, a real achievement in a region where the journey towards going cage-free for sows is still in its infancy.

At KPS we have three priorities: Pigs, People, Planet. All life is our family, in our place called home. We are dedicated to continually improving our farm standards for the welfare, happiness, and safety of all life within the farm. We believe that every element must move together sustainably.

Arinrada Chankasem, Managing Director, KPS FARM Co.,Ltd

Celebrating cage-free rabbits

Close up of a white rabbit outside.

Around the world millions of rabbits farmed for meat endure cramped, barren cages with only wire flooring to sit on, severely compromising their health and welfare. The lack of enrichment deprives them of the opportunity to perform essential natural behaviours.

Two companies received Good Rabbit Commendations in recognition of their commitments to implement cage-free housing for meat rabbits:  White Oak Pastures in the US and Les Mousquetaires in France.

Good Rabbit Commendations

White Oak Pastures is a six-generation, 156-year-old farm in Bluffton, Georgia, United States.  Its farming style epitomises what they call Radically Traditional Farming and is one of the most recognised regenerative farms in the United States. What started as a conventional cattle operation has now transitioned to having 14 species working to restore the local ecosystem.

The company is dedicated to raising rabbits on pasture, in a system that closely mimics the experience a wild rabbit would have in nature. White Oak Pastures have developed an innovative mobile housing system called “rabbitat”, where rabbits live in groups, have access to grass and forage, and are rotated every few days. The rabbits are able to express their natural behaviours including running, digging, and hiding and White Oak Pastures is also working with Compassion to transition its breeding operation to a pasture model.

We strive to raise our rabbits in a way that closely mimics the experience a wild rabbit would have in nature. They are happily raised on pasture, where they can express natural behaviours and have space to run, dig, and hide. We see the value in this model for our animals and are grateful for CIWF’s support in transitioning our rabbit farming system. We are thrilled to be recognized for the Good Rabbit Award.

Jodi Benoit, Director of Farm Experience

Les Mousquetaires is the third largest retailer in France and a longstanding supporter in the fight against cages.  In 2021, Les Mousquetaires was one of the 10 signatories of a letter to the EU Commission supporting an EU wide ban on cages for laying hens. In 2023, they also sent a private letter to the EU Commission to uphold its promise and publish a proposal on an EU wide cage ban. This year, Les Mousquetaires has further endorsed this stance by extending their own cage-free commitment to fattening rabbits.  By 2029, all their fresh own-brand rabbit meat sold in France will come from rabbits reared in large pens with space to jump and stand up, with access to burrows, platforms and gnawing material.

Within the Groupement, we are convinced that respect for animals and the people who raise them is one of the pillars of a responsible food supply. We have made the five fundamental freedoms defined by the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) the basis of our ‘animal welfare’ approach. Grégoire Bourdaud Chairman of the Quality and CSR Department Groupement les Mousquetaires /Intermarché Bourg la Reine

Grégoire Bourdaud Président Direction Qualité RSE Groupement les Mousquetaires /Intermarché Bourg la Reine

Positive news for poultry

Brown hens nesting in long grass.
Credit: Labelle Patrimoine

Compassion’s Good Chicken Award is aligned to the Better Chicken Commitment (BCC) to deliver better breeds for improved quality of life; more space to live; provision of natural light, perches and pecking substrates to stimulate natural behaviours; humane slaughter; and third-party auditing and annual public reporting.

All five Good Chicken Award recipients hailed from the USA this year: LaBelle Patrimoine, Applegate, Campfire Treats, Evermore Pet Foods and Wild Nosh Pets.

In addition, four Chinese companies received Good Chicken Production Awards, three of which attained a 5-star rating.

Klong Phai Farm in Thailand received a Good Turkey Award for its commitment to high-welfare turkey farming. By using slower-growing breeds, providing outdoor access for natural behaviours, and raising turkeys without hormones or antibiotics, the farm promotes animal well-being.

Their ethical practices have made them a trusted supplier to over 300 hotels and restaurants, improving the welfare of thousands of turkeys annually.

Good Chicken Award Winners

Applegate is a leading US manufacturer of natural and organic meat products who verify all animal care practices through third-party certifications.  They were one of the first to commit to higher welfare broiler chicken standards providing a consistent market to farmers who are committed to meeting these standards. 2017 signatories to the US Better Chicken Commitment (BCC), they are currently 100% compliant with the on-farm standards of lighting, litter, enrichments, and stocking density, while having transitioned 50% of their supply to use more humane slaughter methods and 10% to use higher welfare breeds, with a 2028 deadline to full compliance with all criteria of the BCC.

We are thrilled to receive the Compassion in World Farming Good Chicken Award. Animal welfare has always been at the heart of what we do at Applegate. Offering chickens space to move freely and to peck, roost and be, well, chicken-y are table stakes for us. We look forward to a day when these standards are embraced throughout the food system.

Carolyn Gahn, Senior Director, Mission and Advocacy at Applegate

Campfire Treats is the first company in the United States to become fully compliant with the US Better Chicken Commitment (BCC), setting an example for more than just pet food companies. They offer one of the largest selections of higher welfare dog treats available in the U.S., with over 20 different welfare-certified treats and chews. They first committed to the BCC in 2021 and fulfilled compliance with all standards in two years.

We are proud and humbled to receive Compassion in World Farming’s Good Chicken Award in recognition of being the first-ever company to produce dog treats in full compliance with the Better Chicken Commitment. We believe in improving the welfare of all animals—not just those we invite into our homes as pets

Marko Wittich, President & Co-Founder of Campfire Treats

Evermore Pet Food became the second company to be fully compliant with the Better Chicken Commitment (BCC) in the US. Their policy builds on a commitment to animal welfare that has served as a foundation for the company since their inception in 2009. After committing to the BCC in 2022, they sourced products that met 100% compliance with standards for lighting, litter, enrichments, stocking density, and humane slaughter (CAS). They fully implemented their commitment as policy less than two years later by switching their supply to a higher welfare breed.

From day one animal welfare has been our top sourcing priority. We are proud to be [among] the first commercially prepared food (for pets or humans) in the US to meet all of the Better Chicken Commitment standards and are truly honoured to be recognized for this accomplishment.

Hanna Mandelbaum co-founder Evermore Pet Food

Founded by 6th generation farmer Mike Charles, LaBelle Patrimoine are committed to caring for the animals they raise, and the farmland they’re raised on. The farms, all run by local farmers in Lancaster Pennsylvania, raise healthier, slower-growing breeds with access to outdoor areas with necessary provisions to create a safe and enriched environment. LaBelle Patrimoine is the most recent US producer to sign up to the Better Chicken Commitment and is working to fulfil this commitment as they will be switching to humane slaughter by 2027. They are also one of a few producers that are USDA Approved Regeneratively Raised, ensuring regenerative and sustainable practices are implemented to improve soil health and carbon sequestration. They maintain strict compliance of their meaningful standards through Global Animal Partnership, meeting Step Level 4, which includes pasture access.

Since our inception, we set out to constantly strengthen our commitment to the very best care and compassion for our birds that are grown as promised. The honor of being recognized by CIWF for our animal welfare standards motivates us always keep evolving to ensure consistently superior welfare outcomes.

Mike Charles, Founder and CEO of LaBelle Patrimoine

Wild Nosh Pets is the most recent addition to the list of 100% Better Chicken Commitment (BCC) compliant manufacturers in the US. They signed up in 2023 and worked quickly to transition their full supply to BCC-compliant products in 2024. Wild Nosh believes in educating their customers so that they can make more thoughtful decisions when it comes to purchasing chicken for their pets and in other areas of their day-to-day lives.

We’re thrilled to receive a Good Chicken Award, a testament to our dedication to farm animal welfare. At Wild Nosh Pets, we are committed to sourcing practices that uphold humane treatment and sustainable farming, reflecting our responsibility to both animals and the environment.

Kayson Cooper, Sourcing and Sustainability at Wild Nosh Pets

Good Chicken Production Award Winners

Longyan Felicity Animal Husbandry Development Co., Ltd., founded in 2010, is located in Sujiapo Village, Gutian Town, Shanghang County. With a 23-million-yuan investment, the farm covers over 500 mu of forest land and has a 10,000-square-meter facility, raising over 200,000 chickens and broilers. As a leading local business, it focuses on higher welfare breeding and rearing, with an emphasis on eco-friendly practices. Its products are sold across multiple platforms, and the farm works with low-income families to help boost their earnings.

Guangdong Tinoo's Foods Group Co., Ltd. was founded in 2003 and is headquartered in Qingyuan City, Guangdong Province. This large-scale, modern agricultural group focuses on purebred Qingyuan chickens and high-quality live pigs. Recognised as a national leader in poverty alleviation, the company aims to help farmers profit from agricultural products worldwide, provide healthy and delicious high-quality food for people everywhere, and become a renowned agricultural leader globally. Tinoo's Foods operates a complete industry chain from seed to table, with production bases in several provinces, including Guangdong, Hunan, Jiangxi, Guizhou, Chongqing, and Sichuan. Its products are popular in both mainland China and the Hong Kong and Macao markets.

Hainan Chuanwei Wenchang Chicken Industry Co., Ltd., established in 2005, is a leading enterprise in the Wenchang chicken industry. Chuanwei Group operates under the model of "company + farmers + base + market," integrating variety cultivation, large-scale breeding, slaughtering, and processing, with an annual output of 12 million chickens. Committed to animal welfare, Chuanwei Group ensures a suitable growth environment for their chickens, provides a safe, balanced nutrition in the feed, utilises intelligent monitoring and management systems, and maintains controllable temperature and humidity in the chicken coops to minimize stress. Additionally, the company strictly enforces epidemic prevention measures to promote the healthy growth of the chickens. Through these practices, Chuanwei Group actively supports the sustainable development of the Wenchang chicken industry and delivers high-quality, safe chicken products to consumers.

GuiZhou Great Endeavour Husbandry Co., Ltd., established in 2014, specialises in poultry breeding. Utilizing a "company + farmers" model, it effectively reduces breeding costs and risks for farmers. The company has developed its own slower-growing broiler brand, "Xiaotun 882," which is favoured by the market. The breeding facility employs intelligent equipment for information management, enhancing operational efficiency. With an annual production of over 4 million higher-welfare broilers, the company is committed to animal welfare by providing a nurturing growth environment, ensuring feed safety and nutritional balance, and implementing robust epidemic prevention measures to minimize stress in the animals. The company actively promotes the sustainable development of the broiler industry while delivering high-quality products to the market. This approach not only benefits consumers but also helps local farmers increase their income and improve their livelihoods.

Good Turkey Award Winner

Klong Phai Farm was awarded the only Good Turkey Award this year (alongside their Good Egg Award) for their exceptional commitment to higher welfare practices in turkey farming.

Their use of slower-growing breeds allows the turkeys to grow at a natural pace, which reduces stress and promotes overall well-being. The turkeys also benefit from access to outdoor areas where they can exhibit natural behaviours, and they are raised without hormones and antibiotics.

Klong Phai Farm’s ethical practices have established them as a trusted supplier to over 300 hotels and restaurants across Thailand, positively impacting the welfare of thousands of turkeys annually.

Klong Phai Farm is honoured to receive both the Good Egg Award and the Good Turkey Award from Compassion in World Farming. These prestigious accolades recognize our commitment to high animal welfare standards and sustainable farming practices, reaffirming our dedication to providing ethically produced, top-quality poultry products.

Laurent Opportune, Owner of PROSUN FARM Co., Ltd and Klong Phai Farm brand

Recognising dairy achievements

Dairy cows and calf in a field
Credit: Kalverliefde

The Good Dairy Commendation recognises companies committed to implementing higher welfare standards for dairy cows, ensuring they have access to pasture, are not tethered, enjoy comfortable housing, and their welfare is monitored through key animal-based indicators.

This year, two Good Dairy Commendations were presented to: Fonterra (New Zealand) and Max Havelaar (France).

Fonterra, New Zealand's largest company and the world's 6th largest dairy producer, has worked with Compassion for over a decade to improve animal welfare. Their cows spend an average of 350 days on pasture, and their 'Cared for Cows' programme monitors welfare outcomes on farm. Fonterra also promotes higher welfare through open farm days and educational videos.

Max Havelaar is owner of the Fairtrade marks and marks the first time we've awarded a certification scheme. Compassion co-developed their dairy welfare standards, leading to strong animal welfare criteria and a Good Dairy Commendation.

Dutch dairy company Kalverliefde received a Good Calf Commendation for tackling the issue of cow-calf separation by keeping calves with their mothers for up to three months. The company also ensures outdoor access, ample space, and comfortable resting areas to minimise stress and promote animal welfare.

They also won this year's prestigious Best Marketing Award for their successful campaign that highlighted their unique policy of keeping calves with their mums, beautifully captured by the tagline "First the calf, then us". Watch the TV ad below.

Dairy Winners

Fonterra is New Zealand’s largest company, and the sixth largest dairy company in the world. They are the first pasture-based dairy company to receive a Good Dairy Commendation, with cows spending an average of 350 days on pasture a year. Compassion has been working with Fonterra for over a decade, with improvements to animal welfare being reported, including the launch of their ‘Cared for Cows’ programme in 2018 which proactively measures welfare outcome measures on farm, and communicating about higher animal welfare with their consumers through open farm days, educational videos and their website. Fonterra has demonstrated an ongoing commitment to improving the welfare of the cows on their supplying farms.

We are honoured to receive this award, which reflects the work our farmers do every day to uphold high standards of animal wellbeing and produce some of the world’s finest milk. Dairy cows are at the heart of our Co-op and we are proud to help provide an environment they thrive in. Our On-Farm Excellence team works closely with farmers in this area to illustrate our high standards to customers and consumers.

Charlotte Rutherford, Director of Sustainability

Max Havelaar France is a branch of Fairtrade International, one of the leading certification schemes for fairly-traded products globally, and owner of the FAIRTRADE Marks, the world’s most recognised ethical label.  Buying FAIRTRADE products supports farmers and workers, improving their livelihoods and communities. After 30 years of building South-to-North fairtrade supply chains for products like cocoa and sugar, they have expanded into North-to-North fairtrade initiatives, to support farmers in France and to drive ambitious agro-ecological standards. In 2021, Max Havelaar France reached out to Compassion to co-create their welfare standards for dairy products and this collaboration led to the inclusion of strong animal welfare standards into their certification. This is why, for the first time, Compassion has awarded a certification scheme, convinced of the progress the Max Havelaar standards will drive for dairy cows in France, by guaranteeing the implementation of pasture access, comfortable housing, and a ban on tethering.

L’ONG Max Havelaar France agit depuis plus de 30 ans pour un commerce équitable, respectueux de l’humain et de l’environnement. Pour notre première certification de filière animale, le lait, nous avons eu à cœur de fixer des exigences fortes pour le bien-être animal : l’appui et l’expertise de CIWF sont précieux, et c’est une fierté de recevoir ce trophée suite au travail mené.

Blaise Desbordes, Directeur Général de Max Havelaar France

Kalverliefde is a Dutch company which works directly with small-scale organic and bio-dynamic farmers who let the calves stay with their mothers for up to three months. Their approach focuses on animal welfare, minimising stress for the animals, and offering high-quality, ethically produced dairy to meet growing consumer demand for responsible farming. The cows and calves enjoy outdoor access, have ample space and comfortable resting areas. After separating from their mothers, the calves are housed in small groups in deep straw bedded pens, with enough space to move freely, lie down, and socialize, which reduces stress and promotes natural behaviours.

At Kalverliefde, we are committed to working with small-scale organic and biodynamic farmers who allow calves to stay with their mothers for about three months—an uncommon practice in the dairy industry. By fostering a natural, humane, and regenerative environment, we have built a trusted brand that resonates with consumers seeking responsibly produced dairy. Our commitment ensures that cows and calves thrive in environments that promote their well-being. Through our thoughtful marketing campaigns, we have raised awareness and educated consumers on ethical dairy farming, and we are honoured to have received the Best Marketing Award for this impactful initiative.

Janina van der Drift, Founder & CEO at Kalverliefde

Innovation driving progress

Zonvarken Sow with piglets outdoors rooting in mud
Credit: Zonvarken

Innovation is key to meaningful change, and this year’s Best Innovation Award winner is revolutionising pig farming in the Netherlands. Zonvarken has developed a unique pig farming model that prioritises the highest standards of animal welfare while benefiting the environment and supporting farmers.

Swiss-based Regal Springs received the inaugural Aquaculture Innovation Award for its commitment to fish welfare. They are the first tilapia producer to research, develop, and implement humane electrical stunning methods specifically for tilapia, now applied across their entire production process.

Albert Heijn is the first retail chain in the Netherlands to ban eyestalk ablation in their shrimp supply chain, a policy already in effect for all fresh shrimp and will extend to frozen and processed shrimp by 2025, for which they received a Special Recognition Award.

M&S has developed a comprehensive protocol to monitor the health and welfare of shrimp throughout their supply chain. They exclusively source from producers that do not practice eyestalk ablation, making this a core requirement in their Select Farm standards, for which they also received a Special Recognition Award.

A Special Recognition Award was also presented to Chilean producer Cermaq for their global commitment to humane stunning methods for salmon.

Innovation and Special Recognition Award Winners

Zonvarken is an innovative cooperative founded by four Dutch entrepreneurs with backgrounds in pig farming, business and genetics. They created a model that didn’t previously exist in the Dutch market – one that prioritises high standards of animal welfare while also benefiting the environment and supporting farmers.

Their concept is built around small-scale, replicable farms where pigs are raised in family groups with access to outdoor spaces, allowing them to express their natural behaviours such as rooting, foraging and wallowing. The pigs enjoy spacious cage-free housing and free farrowing on straw, promoting their well-being. Sustainability is at the core of this model, as their feed is sourced from human food by-products, making the system highly eco-friendly and low in emissions. Zonvarken barns are clean and naturally ventilated with fresh air. Manure is separated and frequently removed to prevent ammonia emissions while the barns have green sedum roofs.

Due to the small scale, structured process and premium price on the market, Zonvarken farmers are secured with decent, stable incomes.  Zonvarken has created a unique combination of the best outcomes for animals, farmer and environment, which can only be applauded.

Zonvarken is an innovative cooperative that combines exceptional animal welfare with sustainable, low-emission farming. Our pigs are raised in family groups with access to indoor and outdoor spaces, free farrowing on straw, and natural environments. By using human food waste for feed and maintaining naturally ventilated barns with green roofs, we create a system that benefits the animals, the environment, and provides farmers with a stable income. We are honoured to receive the Best Innovation Award from Compassion in World Farming, recognizing our forward-thinking approach. This future-fit model is one that not only benefits all but also deserves strong government support.

August Offenberg, Co-Founder of Zonvarken

Regal Springs is a global leader in tilapia production in Indonesia, Honduras and Mexico.  The business is well-known for their social, health and engagement initiatives that support the local communities but also for their continual investment in R&D to achieve more responsible and sustainable farming practices.  Their pioneering spirit led them to become the first tilapia producer to research, develop and implement humane electrical stunning methods specifically for tilapia. They have now rolled out these humane stunning methods across their entire production and for this were awarded the first ever Aquaculture Innovation Award. The scale of the number of animals set to benefit is 70 million tilapia per annum.

This is a critical milestone for Regal Springs! Fish welfare is our priority at all stages of the farming process and after 3 years of hard R&D work we are pleased to receive this award to recognise the hard work of our teams and inspire other fish farmers!

Laurent Develle, EVP Group General Counsel and Head of Corporate Affairs at Regal Springs

Albert Heijn is the largest supermarket in the Netherlands with a market share of 37% and 895 stores. Albert Heijn takes responsibility for animal welfare by collaborating directly with farmers who exclusively supply for them. For aquatic animals, Albert Heijn also engages in projects to stimulate research, improve fish welfare and have it embedded in certification.

Specifically for shrimp the retailer set up an innovative collaboration across their entire supply chain – including feed suppliers, farmers, processors and retailers – to improve shrimp welfare, by eliminating the cruel practice of eyestalk ablation, reducing stocking density, and implementing electrical stunning before slaughter. Within the shrimp farming industry, it is still common practice to practice eyestalk ablation to broodstock shrimp. Cutting off one eye of a broodstock results in more frequent and increased egg production. Albert Heijn is the first retail chain in the Netherlands to ban shrimp with eyestalk ablation on fresh shrimp and will do so for frozen shrimp and shrimp included in products by 2025.

Their partnership with the NGO Shrimp Welfare Project has been instrumental in developing solutions and policies for humane electrical stunning before slaughter. This equipment is designed to ensure that the slaughtering process is as humane as possible, minimising stress and discomfort and is setting the standard for others to follow.

M&S has traditionally been a leader in farmed animal welfare in the UK retail industry.  With over 300 food stores across the UK, covering 3.6% of food market share, M&S continue to challenge themselves to improve welfare across their entire supply chain, for both terrestrial and aquatic animals. Through strategic partnerships with their shrimp producers, and with support from FAI Farms, they have developed a comprehensive protocol to monitor the health and welfare of shrimp in their supply chain.

Their initiative aims to enhance shrimp welfare and support scientific research to address knowledge gaps and drive progress. They have successfully established a shrimp supply chain free of mutilations, which directly improves welfare standards, and by providing farmers with training and tools, they are advancing all aspects of shrimp welfare throughout the entire life cycle.

The retailer now exclusively sources from producers who do not practice eye-stalk ablation, integrating this as a core requirement in their Select Farm standards. They have also defined new outcome measures and initiated electric stunning trials, rolling out new stunners and developing updated harvest protocols. As a result, approximately 300 million shrimp annually will benefit from this work.

We are the leader in animal welfare and through our M&S Select Farms and Fisheries maintain the highest standards in the industry. This Special Recognition Award for Innovation from CIWF recognises the relentless and tireless work of our team.

Alex Freudmann, MD at M&S Food

CERMAQ are the second largest Atlantic salmon producer to commit to a global humane slaughter policy (following Mowi ASA’s commitment in 2022), that matches Compassion’s recommendation (the use of a single stunning method - automated percussive blow - followed by gill-cut/exsanguination). This commitment covers 100% of their farms across their entire operations in Norway, Chile, and Canada. The number of animals currently benefiting from their humane slaughter procedure is over 45 million salmon per annum.

We are honoured to receive a Special Recognition for the work to secure humane slaughter. Cermaq’s goal is to ensure that the animals are treated with respect and care, even in their final moments. We want to acknowledge the work CIWF is doing to bring attention to this important topic.

Henrik Duesund, Global Fish Health Manager Feed & Fish Health Innovation at Cermaq

Ethical farming: balancing welfare and nature

While species-specific welfare improvements are vital, the holistic efforts of some companies to tackle broader environmental impacts —such as soil degradation and biodiversity loss—are equally important.

Compassion’s Sustainable Food & Farming Awards celebrate both small producers and large food companies making strides in producing higher welfare meat, dairy and eggs, while protecting improving, regenerating and restoring wildlife and the environment.

This year’s ‘Corporate’ Sustainable Food & Farming Award went to Waitrose who has been testing and implementing a range of regenerative farming practices at its 2,800 acre Leckford Estate and has pledged to source UK meat, milk, eggs, fruit, and vegetables from farms using regenerative practices by 2035.

Waitrose Leckford Estate Cows In Field
Credit: Waitrose

The winner of the ‘Producer’ Sustainable Food & Farming Award was White Oak Pastures in the US – their third award this year. The company has transformed from a conventional cattle operation into a diverse ecosystem with 14 species working to restore the land through regenerative farming.

Man and flock of sheep in regenerative farm
Credit: White Oak Pastures

Finca Regenerativa Valle del Conde in Spain received a Special Recognition Award in the Sustainable Food and Farming category. Since 2019, they have focused on regenerative agriculture, prioritising soil health through sheep grazing, which has transformed their olive fields into biodiverse, multi-species grasslands. This approach has fostered a thriving ecosystem and produced high-quality olive oil with an exceptional nutritional profile.

Sheep grazing in a regenerative olive farm
Credit: Finca Regenerativa Valle del Conde

Sustainable Food And Farming Award Winners

Waitrose has long been a leader in animal welfare within the UK grocery sector, and they are now expanding their commitment to sustainability by trialling more nature-friendly production processes at their Leckford Estate. This includes a focus on regenerative and low-carbon farming.

Leckford Estate, the only farm owned by a British supermarket, spans 2,800 acres in Hampshire. A third of the estate is dedicated solely to biodiversity, while the rest operates with a focus on farming in harmony with nature, enhancing biodiversity through regenerative practices.

In 2019, Waitrose began taking a regenerative approach to farming on the Estate, aimed at implementing and evaluating various regenerative farming practices based on six core principles. After five years of rigorous testing and measurement, they are expanding this initiative to eight satellite farms as part of a broader effort to transition their entire UK supply chain to regenerative farming. This effort is further strengthened by Waitrose’s pledge to source UK meat, milk, eggs, fruit, and vegetables from farms using regenerative practices by 2035.

Since adopting regenerative practices at Leckford, Waitrose has reported significant environmental benefits, including increased biodiversity, improved soil health, reduced carbon emissions, and a decrease in the use of chemical inputs.

To share their insights and encourage the wider adoption of regenerative methods, Waitrose plans to transform Leckford Estate into a Regenerative Agriculture Centre of Excellence, offering education and inspiration for farmers looking to implement these sustainable practices on their own farms.

We need a resilient food system that is kinder to nature and recognises the incredible value of healthy soil. We think a regenerative approach has the potential to do this. We are excited to extend our work at Leckford by now working with other farmers in supporting transition to regenerative agriculture across our UK based farmers and growers.

Andrew Hoad, Head of Leckford Estate

White Oak Pastures is a six-generation, 156-year-old farm in Bluffton, Georgia, United States. The company describes itself as Radically Traditional Farming and is one of the most recognised regenerative farms in the United States. What started as a conventional cattle operation has now transitioned to having 14 species working to restore the local ecosystem. White Oak has expanded its farm to also include agrotourism, with on-site lodging to allow the public to visit, stay, and learn about an alternative farming method. The White Oak Pastures team has one simple but not easy goal: taking care of their land and their livestock. This year, they have been awarded three awards: Sustainable Food & Farming Award, Good Sow Commendation and a Good Rabbit Commendation.

As a fourth-generation farmer, Will Harris III made the conscious decision to return his farm to a production system that is better for the environment, for their animals, and for the people who eat their meat. He reinstituted the multi-species rotational grazing practices of his forefathers, and he built abattoirs on the farm to slaughter their animals on site. The farming practices at White Oak Pastures focus on regenerative land management, humane animal husbandry and revitalising the local rural community. They have also founded the Centre for Agricultural Resilience, which acts as an educational centre for the public to participate in workshops and learn more about how to build soil health, restore local ecosystems, and ensure high welfare for animals.

White Oak Pastures has been awarded the Sustainable Food and Farming Award for its focus on restoring land from conventional row cropped fields to pastured grassland that has dramatically increased rainwater retention, whilst also incorporating a wide range of animals on its farm in a holistic way.

As a fourth-generation farmer, I made the decision to return the farm to a production system aligned with nature and its systems. We focus on regenerative land management and humane animal husbandry, which in turn helps our local community. We’re honoured to be chosen to receive the Sustainable Food and Farming Award from Compassion in World Farming.

Will Harris, Owner of White Oak Pastures

Valle del Conde was created five years ago, when its owners realised that things could be done differently, in a way that not only respects the ecosystem, but also protects it and helps it to recover and improve.

Since 2019, their primary focus has been on regenerative agriculture, with the main focus on the soil, their most precious treasure, which they work to protect, care for and enrich. In this system, sheep play the main role, as their grazing on these fields contributes in every way, to the enrichment of the soil's properties, turning them into beautiful meadows full of life that are integrated as part of an overall ecosystem that sees its biodiversity greatly increased.

In just five years, they have turned monoculture fields into multi-species grasslands (with 24-26 plant species/m2), now hosting a greater variety of animal species, from birds such as owls or vultures to a multitude of insects. The result of their efforts is not only a flourishing ecosystem but also a product of exceptional quality – olive oil with an extraordinary nutritional profile.

Finca Valle del Conde stands as a truly one-of-a-kind project, serving as a global benchmark for excellence. It is the result of careful, responsible work—an inspiring model of what can be achieved in agriculture.

On behalf of my entire team, I want to thank Compassion for this significant award. We firmly believe that Regenerative Agro-Farming offers a crucial solution to alleviate the climate crisis we are suffering, that especially affects and will continue to affect the agricultural sector. We understand it is necessary to adopt a holistic approach that considers all aspects: water cycles, soil fertility, biodiversity, and the integration of various species within the ecosystem. We strive to implement these principles through holistic and ancestral practices.
Currently, no other olive farm in the world is implementing regenerative practices like ours, and as a result, our olive oil has been recognised among the top 10 globally for its healthy composition and the presence of Oleocanthal or natural Ibuprofen. We are incredibly proud to be acknowledged for our work, establishing Finca Regenerativa Valle del Conde as a worldwide reference.
We also want to thank Compassion for envisaging the future of food and recognising the urgent need to reform our current systems. Their commitment to supporting companies like ours on this transformative journey is invaluable.

Francisco Ruiz Rico, Technical Director of Finca Regenerativa Valle del Conde

Investing in a sustainable food future

Bowls of raw plant based food ingredients, beans legumes, vegetables.

A key mission of Compassion is to encourage society to rethink its dietary choices, aiming to reduce meat and dairy consumption while increasing plant-based foods for a healthier planet.

Compassion’s Planet Friendly Award recognises companies that commit to meaningful reduction targets in their animal-sourced protein, set at 10%, 15%, and 25% over five years.

Lidl GB received a Bronze level Planet Friendly Award for being the first UK retailer to launch an ambitious protein strategy to shift the proportion of protein sales to 25% plant-based by 2030, supporting a move towards meeting the EAT-Lancet Planetary Health Diet and leading the industry in sustainable food transitions.

Compass Group France achieved the Gold level Planet Friendly Award for its ambitious commitment to reducing animal-sourced proteins by 25% by 2029. They are addressing key challenges such as farm animal welfare, protein diversification, meat reduction, and transitioning to regenerative agriculture.

Planet Friendly Award Winners

Lidl GB received a Bronze level Planet Friendly Award for being the first UK retailer to launch an ambitious protein strategy to shift the proportion of protein sales to 25% plant-based by 2030, supporting a move towards meeting the EAT-Lancet Planetary Health Diet and leading the industry in sustainable food transitions. To support this transition, the retailer has also pledged to offer customers the lowest prices for plant-based products on the market, enhancing consumer choice with options that cater to various dietary needs. By expanding its plant-based range, increasing in-store visibility, and strengthening its marketing efforts, Lidl is set to further boost sales.

Meat, poultry and dairy play an important role in our diets, which is why we’re investing heavily in British farming to ensure that our suppliers are set up for future growth, and customers have access to the best quality British produce.  At the same time, we know that as a society we need to incorporate more plant-based foods into our diets to ensure balance. That’s why we are proudly standing behind the planetary health diet, which is key to achieving a more healthy and sustainable future and supports our Net-Zero ambitions.

We’re the first UK retailer to set specific plant-based protein targets and are committed to breaking down key barriers that currently exist within the category, like price, quality, and availability. With the launch of our new own-label Vemondo Plant! range, and the expansion of our branded offering, all at market-leading prices, we’re making high quality plant-based foods accessible to everyone, ensuring that more customers can afford to make healthy and sustainable choices. Our commitment to sustainable proteins will contribute to significantly reducing our scope 3 CO2 emissions and support a more balanced and sustainable food system for the future.

Richard Bourns, Chief Commercial Officer, Lidl GB

Compass Group France is one of the leading contract caterers in France, serving over 174 million meals per year.  They have been awarded the Gold level Planet Friendly Award for their commitment to reducing animal-sourced proteins by 25% by 2029. They are truly leading the way, directly addressing key challenges such as farm animal welfare, protein diversification, meat reduction, and a shift towards regenerative agriculture. The company already has a 2025 cage-free commitment for eggs and egg products, they received a Good Rabbit Commendation from Compassion in 2019 and signed up to the European Chicken Commitment in 2020.

They have also set ambitious Net Zero goals for 2040 and aim to achieve them by successfully reducing their reliance on animal protein. To support this transition, they offer flexitarian meals with reduced animal protein and increased plant-based options, along with continuous training and awareness programmes for their chefs and employees. They have also signed contracts with French farmers to source pulses grown through certified regenerative agriculture. Their approach sets a powerful example of holistic, sustainable food production, that Compassion encourages other food companies to emulate.

Big Commitments: Driving Change

Graphic reads Over 3.1 billion animals. Illustrations of farm animals in the background.

Since our Food Business programme began, OVER 3.1 BILLION animals are set to benefit each year from our corporate partners’ higher welfare policies and commitments.

Dr Tracey Jones, Global Director for Food Business, Compassion in World Farming concludes:

The geographical diversity, range of species, and the vast number of animals set to benefit from this year’s award winners is truly remarkable. With businesses represented from India, Japan, China, Thailand, New Zealand, and across the Atlantic to Brazil, Chile, and the USA, the global reach of Compassion’s message for positive change is clearly evident. I extend my heartfelt congratulations to all the winners.

While advancing animal welfare is important, it’s critical that we begin to transform our entire food system. Many of this year’s winners are leading the way, farming in harmony with nature, reducing reliance on animal proteins, and driving innovation. They stand as shining examples, proving that real change is possible—not only for the welfare of millions of farm animals but also for the health of people and the planet.

Our award winners have taken decisive action, demonstrating that successful business models can thrive while prioritising animal welfare. Cages are the very symbol of factory farming, and it’s inspiring to see so many companies dismantling that system and paving the way for a brighter future. To create a truly future-fit food system, we now need legislators to follow their exemplary lead.


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